Hey I don't think any other users have had this problem.. but here is my problem:
On our boards, we just loaded on the script (JUST about flawless by the way, I don't know whats up with anyone's complaints A++ on the install, nice and easy. Only thing that made it NOT flawless, was ME!).. It's running fine - but one of our users (he's ranked as a super-admin) tries to log in, and when he connects through FaceBook it logs him into another admin's account on the forums.. BUT when the user logs in the normal way, it loads his normal account.. they don't have the same FaceBook accounts, obviously or anything similar in the names, so it's not something stupid like a typo in the login.
I'm looking for a response from the developer - you got any idea why one user say, user X, logs in using FBConnect & it puts him onto a different account, account Y. They are both admins, and I can only hope and pray that this doesn't happen with a normal member who gets granted admin powers - so time is of the essence here if you come around, thanks!!