Hi All,
I've just upgraded to vB4 and I'm making some minor tweaks to look and feel...
I'm wanting to change the background (of the largest area) of the Quick Reply box.
I had a peep in the StyleVars, and found that changes in the forms section made alterations close to where I needed, but not exactly.
I doodled to show my working so far (using guesswork and FireBug combo):
...As you can see, I noticed that there's a gradient defined for the area I'm interested in, and sniffing about with FireBug kind of gives me the impression that the StyleVar formrow_background is the one I'm interested in, but it appears there's something which makes the first child of that element ignore that setting, and use the gradient...
Is there a simple way to stop this variation for the first child, so a 'one size fits all' rgb value could be used, or would it be a whole lot less complicated to just edit the PNG so it colour-matches the value I put in formrow_background?
Thanks for any help you can offer, and best regards,