Originally Posted by The Geek
So to recap:
providerid (was id) isn't really used on insertion anyway
provider (was title). A User friendly name for definition. Appears in the media popup box linked
url (new). A link to the provider home page. Used with Provider name to provide user friendly link in video popup box
tagoption (was ameid). A unique textual key to identify defintion
regex_url (was findcode). The regex to match the URL. Grabs the 1 parameter unless regex_scrape is specified
regex_scrape (was embedregexp). The regex that will return 1 match from the destination page.
embed (was replacecode). This is the html with {vb:raw code} in it. It actually gets build into the bbcode_video template.
Others are discontinued.
Okay, thanks. Now does the order in the XML matter here, because I see a couple of tags have changed position?