Originally Posted by tteal
Can't get this working 3.8.4 .... doesn't show the "thank you" button not sure why. Uninstalled..... wish I could have gotten this working.
Make sure the Thanks image is uploaded to your servers correct folder for buttons

next time be patient before uninstalling and simply disable it until you receive an answer to try

Originally Posted by niadene
i use this hack but is it possible to change the image of this hack coz i wanna make it the same with my theme....can u teach me please
Yes, simply make the button and save it over the one in the .zip file same name then upload onto your server, done.
Originally Posted by fatal1980
Uhm, you want to have a different product id when you have two different versions of your module. It just makes sense. You should have done this when you created the 4.0 product.
Some people haven't fully moved over to 4.0 and I'm getting update notifications about my module being out of date. And this is important because if a security problem for your module comes out, I'm sure you would want to put an update out and let people know that your module has issues. Or it will be removed from vbulletin.org
Agreed (what?! shoot me later Abe

Originally Posted by Devanand
I want to put button in the middle of the post, not at the end as it apear now.
How can I do this?
Thank you
Move the hook location

if your unfamiliar how to do that PM me and I'll post back here so everyone benefits from the reply.