Originally Posted by barcena
Can we have an screenshot or a demo site? I have no idea yet as what this exactly does.
Originally Posted by Charlie98902
So I could use this notice and say if profile fieldx isn't met show? As I have a mandatory profile field on my forum.
Originally Posted by Edrondol
Basically it looks like when you download this it adds the criteria for Notices. Right now the way you do Notices is...interesting. Like you have to say the those who see it are NOT of Group X, etc. One thing I've noticed is that there is NO CHOICE for "Let Everyone See This Notice"!
So if I'm reading this right, picking this criteria says, "Let every see this if this script is this script." Which mean everyone sees it.
It could just as well be labeled "Show to Everyone" but this works, too.
Originally Posted by Charlie98902
Can we get a better explanation? Also a screen shot of it in use would be nice as well.
The Way this works is when you Create Notice you may only show it on a php page of your choice .
Example >> Say you want to put the notice only on the Profile page. So you check
THIS_SCRIPT code in the member.php and it says "member". Then put the "member" in the
field that is given when creating a notice. Now it will only show up on the
memer.php/profile pages. All other Criteria will also work when this is enabled.
Example2 >> Say You Want it to only display in the CMS. You use "vbcms" as the
THIS_SCRIPT code when making a Notice. Then it will only show on the CMS.
If you have any more question Please ask, i will be Glad to help!
This is a simple Mod so i suggest trying it out !! Then you may click install later!