Okay here is the layout of the hack..
Basically in the $pminfo variable (the private message box on the forum homepage) to include a thing called "NewsFlash" say for example a person had volunteered to be a moderator and you wanted to let them know that they had been accepted immediately when they accessed the site...you would include a little message into this or you could use it say if you had new forums to post a quick announcement "New forums available now"
Okay, here is how I was laying it out...it is databased, I have the CP part setup and working you can decided to make it a "Global" flash or a "User" flash by putting in a user id in a field (will include the CP layout) got all that working, now my problem is this...
Pulling the information, I am not much of a PHP/MySQL person, I just sort of play around and by trial and error get it to work I want it to layout when it is viewed like this:
Person logs in and it checks the database for 'news flashes' that haven't 'expired' (via start dates and end dates) first off it checks for 'user' flashes (with their user id) then it checks for 'global' flashes it limits it via a CP set variable on how many to display say 3 and then lists those...okay, I can get everything I think except for actually displaying the information (I haven't tried to do the 'amount variable') I will include the information I have so far...
FILES INCLUDED: 'newsflash.txt' this is the cp file that is used to submit information; 'database.txt' this is the layout for the database I am using; 'cpimage.gif' this is a picture of the layout for the form in the CP; 'exampleimage.gif' this is an example of how it will sort of look (I have customized the look of my pm box, but look at the "News Flash" section, and you will see what I am imagining)...
Hopefully you can help me all I need is help in setting up the information to actually pull the data and display it...
Please help (if anyone is interested in this I will release it as soon as it works

Thanks ahead of time