Originally Posted by abdulbasitsaeed
OK, I've gone through the whole thread. At the moment, I am facing 2 issues:
1. After upgrading, when I download any of the files which had been uploaded prior to the upgrade, the file downloaded has a number as a previx, something like this: 63073-Bin Roye Aansoo.rar. Previously, when downloaded, only the title would appear, i.e. Bin Roye Aansoo.rar. Is there some way to fix this?
That leaves only issue no. 1. 
Fixed for next release
Originally Posted by jancarlo
You could do that creates a thread for each file that is uploaded, it would be a good service ...... Thanks
That add-on will be updated somewhere in the future.
Originally Posted by Morrus
Looks great. I used LDM on my 3.8x site, but I thought I'd give this a look-see on my dev build.
Seems to work OK except for when I try to add an image to a file:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagecreatefrombmp() in /www/enworld.org/production/htdocs/test/downloads.php on line 887
Any ideas?
That function is part of the GD library. Have you got it installed? Have a search for "gd" in your PHP info in the Maintenance AdminCP part.
Originally Posted by Bram H
An improvement suggestion: would it be possible to add a placeholder image for uploaders that forget to add an image to their files?
Isn't there already one in the category view? The thread status icon is used by default. You can change the image in the downloads2_cat_filebit template.
Originally Posted by Bram H
The old add-on mod to create threads for each upload i still had that one installed (but on disabled status). when i try to remove it completely i get a database error. How to proceed uninstalling it? Or should i wait for an update?
You better wait for an update. The table names were changed, so it isn't recognising them any more. So if you uninstall it, the download table alterations won't be reversed.
+ If you uninstall, you loose the thread data of course.