Ok, it's installed.
We had to change the following (last) line in the Plugin
Sorky03 - SubForum List Control - forumbit_display
PHP Code:
// If the SubForums can be collapsed (ShowOrHide) then set the HTML that is inserted in the parse_templates section
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($Sorky03_SubForumsExist = ($Sorky03_SubForumListText != ''))
// Starts the ShowOrHide div
// -------------------------
$Sorky03_SubForumShowOrHideStart_HTML .= "\r\n" . '<!-- Sorky03 - vvvvv -->';
$Sorky03_SubForumShowOrHideStart_HTML .= "\r\n" . '<div id="Sorky03_ShowOrHide_div_' . $forumid . '">';
// Finish the ShowOrHide div
// -------------------------
//Comment here $Sorky03_SubForumShowOrHideFinish_HTML .= "\r\n</div>";
$Sorky03_SubForumShowOrHideFinish_HTML .= "\r\n";
Since we don't use collapsible subforums the extra </div> caused many validation errors
Thanks, your AddOn works great.