Originally Posted by Bouncer222
BaziCenter could you PLEASE do a gamecard like the one found here: http://www.noobsticks.com/members/8088/
The admin won't release the code/files for it.
Notice how it says on the bottom of the card:
"8088 is a member of the Noobsticks Steam Group"
Which is used to show everyone if that member is part of their steam community group.
Could you possibly make something like that?
This is a custom coding and generates form the same site. all of the gamercards in my mod using the external resource.
also user group name showing in the SteamCard too:
this is an another Steam related mod which I think this can help you more: (you can customize it for your Steam IDs)
Originally Posted by ShawnV
Nice MOD, thanks. It would be brilliant if there was a right profile sidebar, this would go there nicely and not make the default left bar so long.
Nice idea. I will working on it.