Originally Posted by Digital Jedi
You'd run into a problem if a style you have in mind or the one that was requested uses a unique image as a banner that can't be tiled, for example. Some styles add elements to a page that aren't vB default, and not designed with the intent to stretch. I've had a few ideas in the past that resulted in me abandoning my hopes or making the style fluid.
Hmmm yea i know what you mean. There are some work around i have gotten to work, such as splitting the banner into 3 parts, left side, right side, and middle, then making say the middle image repeat, so it that way there can be unique images on the 2 sides, or any combination of the two. I have never really searched through vBulletin themes i have always just made my own theme, as i have been making websites for a few years. I have always been more interested in making fixed width themes anyways, having a wide screen monitor fluid themes seem to spread apart for my tastes.