Rest Features:- Specific Features:-
- AdminCP Options:
- Kill Link Masks (Ultimate Edition Only)
Links within posts may be masked & not direct links for real hosts, you've the ability to select which masks to kill & retrieve hidden/real hosts links. Check/Un-Check masks to be killed as preferred.
- ... AND COUNTING ...
- Recusive Unmasking (Ultimate Edition Only)
Real links may be double or triple masked. This means, masked links may contain masked links within & so on till you reach the real link embedded in the deep. If you wish to detecet masks recursively till extracting the real link, just activate this option.
- Unmasking recursion level (Ultimate Edition Only)
If you've activated "Recusive Unmasking", then you may wish to set recusive level. Just enter how many levels do you wish to go in the deep. Please note that '0' means UNLIMITED (NOT recommended).
- Sending Reports To Staff
If you've chosen to send reports to staff as "PMs" or "Emails", then you've the ability to select which staff should receive these reports.
Options: [Send Reports To Moderators Only | Send Reports To Moderators & Administrators]
- Staff Reports Mode (Ultimate Edition Only)
When do you wish to send staff reports? You've four options to choose from:
- Always send (always send regardless there's checked/dead/punished posts or not)
- Send Only If there's Checked posts (send only if there's checked posts, regardless there's dead/punished posts or not)
- Send Only If there's Dead posts (send only if there's checked posts with dead links regardless it exceeds the critical limit or not (punished or not))
- Send Only If there's Punished posts (send only if there's punished posts (checked, contains dead links and exceeds the critical limit))
- Staff Reports
After each run of the script, it's possible to auto send the final report to staff using any of the following methods: (PM, Email, New Reply, New Thread).
- User Reports
After each run of the script, if there is punished posts: it's possible to auto send a simple report to their owners using any of the following methods: (PM, Email) telling them that some of their posts has dead links.
- Reports Handler Staff User
Reports (1. Sent as PMs to staff and/or to normal users, 2. Posted as replies or threads) upon script run needs a valid staff member username to use as a sender & poster for these reports. Please enter the valid specified staff username here in this setting's field. Note: If this username is invalid or doesn't has appropriate permissions, then all "PM/Reply/Thread Reports" will be terminated & will not function until it's corrected, only "Email Reports" will be functional -if enabled-.
- Report Forum
If you've chosen to post reports as new threads, so you've to determine that forum from here.
- Report Thread (Ultimate Edition Only)
If you've chosen to post reports as new replies, so you've to determine the specified thread's ID from here. Just enter a valid thread ID.
- Punishment Method for Dead posts
You may want to punish posts that has dead links; If so, then choose which actions you wish to use as punishment for those dead posts.
- Punishment Recycle Bin Forum
If you've chosen to punish dead posts by moving threads, so you've to determine "Recycle Bin Forum" from here. Those punished dead posts will be auto moved to this "Recycle Bin Forum".
- On Edit: Revert Actions (Ultimate Edition Only)
If any of the punished dead posts has been edited, the product will re-check links within again (if this feature enabled), if it passed the check & doesn't reach the "Critical Limit/Red Line" then "Punishment Actions" can be reverted. This means if the recent punishment for a specific post was (Moving to the "Punishment Recycle Bin Forum" & Moderating Posts & Closing Thread), then after successful check the punishment will be taken off & the post/thread will be (Moved back to the original forum & Posts un-moderated "Approved" & Thread re-opened). Choose "Yes" to activate this behavior, or "No" to disable it.
- Powerful User Groups
Powerful User Groups are those user groups that can override/overcome the "Critical Limit/Red Line" & force their posts to be posted despite of having dead links. Please enter User Group IDs separated by commas.
Note: This powerful ability doesn't affect only posts for those powerful user groups, but affects also any posts edited by those powerful user groups (regardless of being for them or for other users). It means they can overcome limits when posting & when editing others posts (They should have permissions of course -ex: moderators, staff).
- Link Status Colors (Ultimate Edition Only)
You can change link status colors from this setting, just enter the color's name (or hexadecimal code) for each link status as preferred.
- Used Phrases
- You've the ability to control/localize the content used in automated messages & reports sent to staff & users.
- Staff PM Reports: [Report Title] [Report Body]
- Staff Email Reports: [Report Title] [Report Body] (Ultimate Edition Only)
- User PM Reports: [Report Title] [Report Body]
- User Email Reports: [Report Title] [Report Body] (Ultimate Edition Only)
Translations:- Arabic .. (by CUPID)
- English .. Official
- French .. (by mitch84)
- Greek .. (by greek-madness)
- Italian .. (by network)
- Russian .. (by xorex)
- Spanish .. (by owned91)
- Turkish .. (by laztrix)
.. and counting!
Submit new translation & get free 'Ultimate' edition!
Installation Procedure:- Upload required files to their appropriate places:
- includes
- cron
- functions_phpkd_vblvb.php
- md5_sums_phpkd_vblvb.php
- Import the product's XML file "product-phpkd_vblvb.xml" from AdminCP.
- Configure product's settings.
- [Optional] Translations: vBulletin AdminCP ? Languages & Phrases ? Download / Upload Languages ? Import Language XML File (Make sure that your forum's Character Set is equivalent to the imported language as follow):
- Arabic ? ISO-8859-6
- English, French, Spanish ? ISO-8859-1
- Greek ? ISO-8859-7
- Italian ? ISO-8859-16
- Russian ? ISO-8859-5
- Turkish ? ISO-8859-9
You can change language file's encoding before import to whatever encoding you wish/your forum works on (ex: UTF-8) using the wonderful applications "Encoding Master".
- You're Done
Upgrade Procedure:- Same as "Installation Procedure", but "Allow Overwrite" for both file uploads & product import.
Controls:- AdminCP Settings:
vBulletin AdminCP ? Settings ? Options ? PHPKD - Link Verifier Bot 'Lite'
- Scheduled Task:
vBulletin AdminCP ? Scheduled Tasks ? Scheduled Task Manager ? PHPKD - Link Verifier Bot 'Lite'
Help with:- Suggestions & feature requests to develop this product.
- Contributing any updates, upgrades and/or any new features.
- Translations to benefit more users (Translate the product & win a free 'Ultimate' edition).
- Spreading the 'Lite' edition of this product product. Yes, you're free to re-distribute 'Lite' edition of this product as it is (See 'Free' license details).
Known Issues:
History:- v3.8.100 01/01/2010 12:12 AM UTC: First 3.8.x release (public)
- v3.8.101 04/01/2010 12:12 PM UTC: Maintenance release (public)
- Bug Fix: limit query DB error.
- Bug Fix: Cutoff Mode was't working.
- Some other small optimizations, tweaking for the product's install code & for the docs attached.
- v3.8.102 07/01/2010 12:12 PM UTC: Maintenance release (public)
- Miscellaneous optimizations & tweaks.
- v4.0.101 06/01/2010 12:12 AM UTC: First initial release (public)
- v4.0.102 07/01/2010 12:12 PM UTC: Maintenance release (public)
- Miscellaneous optimizations & tweaks.
- v4.0.120 20/01/2010 10:00 AM UTC: Featured release (public)
- Standardizing product's code (one product, multiple compatibilities) [All 3.8.x and 4.0.x series].
- Scanning all default tags including [ CODE ], [ PHP ], [ HTML ], [ QUOTE ] and others.
- Fixed/Updated sharing hosts:.
- => OK
- => Fixed
- => Fixed
- => Fixed
- => Updated
- => Fixed
- => Updated
- => Updated
- => Updated
- => Updated
Flag declaration:
OK: means that there's no different between the old & the current version of this host's module. It was working fine & still working as it is.
Fixed: means that the previous version of that host's module had some problems & wasn't working good, but the new version has been fixed & confirmed to be working fine now.
Updated: means that the previous version of that host's module was good, but the current one has some tweaks & some optimizations.
- Deprecated Feature: URL status 'Temporary Down' is useless.
- Optimizations: Ability to follow redirected pages till reaching the actual download page & verify it..
- New feature: Exclude forums.
- v4.0.130 14/02/2010 10:00 PM UTC: Featured release (public)
- Bug Fix: No reports sent when the cronjob autorun.
- Bug Fix: Massive checking MegaUpload.Com Links lead to wrong dead status reports.
- Task Achieved: URL status 'Temporary Down' is Important.
- Task Achieved: Multilingual hosts requires checking & optimizing.
- Optimization: Cronjob has more checks now before running, it will check if there's hosts/protocols/bbcodes to be checked or not. If yes, proceed, if no then kill the process & display an error message. Additional check added to make sure there's posts to be checked, if there isn't then an error message displayed.
- Optimization: Display punished posts report within manual cronjob run report.
- Optimization: Always send staff reports regardless there's checked/punished posts or not.
- Optimization: Multiple tweaks and optimizations to the product's core.
- New Feature: Ability to determine forums inclusion/execlusion mode.
- New: Added three translations to the product's package (French, Greek, Spanish).
- Updated the following hosts:
- v4.0.131 17/02/2010 10:00 AM UTC: Maintenance release (public)
- Bug Fix: Forum excluding isn't working in 'Lite' edition
- Bug Fix: 'temporary down' URL status doesn't appear in 'Lite' edition reports
- Optimization: other optimizations introduced in this maintenance release which should affect cronjob performance & decrease server load chances.
- v4.0.133 01/06/2010 10:00 AM UTC: Maintenance release (public)
- Bug Fix: "Call to a member function query_write() on a non-object".
- Bug Fix: Auto exclude report forum & recycle bin forum from being checked.
- Added the following new translations:
- Arabic .. (by CUPID)
- Italian .. (by network )
- Russian .. (by xorex)
- Turkish .. (by laztrix)
- Fixes & updates for the following hosts:
- v4.0.137 29/07/2010 10:00 PM UTC: Maintenance release (public)
- Bug Fix: Using $this when not in object context.
- Bug Fix: Check Succession Period = 0.
- Bug Fix: 1 GB files marked as dead.
- Bug Fix: password protected files marked as dead.
- Bug Fix: Critical Limit/Red Line not working accurate.
- Updated maximum redirects from 1 to 3.
- Fixes & updates for the following hosts:
- => Fixed
- => Fixed
- => Fixed
- => Fixed
- v4.0.138 26/12/2011 10:00 PM UTC: Maintenance release (public)
- Bug Fix:
- Bug Fix:
- Bug Fix:
- Compatibility update: vB 3.8.x/4.0.x/4.1.x
Screen Shots:
Technical Notes:- New Plugins: 1
- New Phrases: 108
- New Templates: 0
- Manual Template changes: 0
- Auto Template changes: 0
- New Files: 3
- Manual File Changes: 0
- New vBulletin Settings: 32
- New Usergroup Permissions: 0
- New Moderator Permissions: 0
- New Administrator Permissions: 0
- New Forum Options: 0
- New DB Tables: 0
- DB Alterations: 1
- New Cronjobs: 1
- Installation Level: V.Easy
- Installation Time: ~20 seconds
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