Originally Posted by Gleedo
Hi Deviant, I am not very familiar with ventrilo, but did a quick google and found that the gametracker network also monitor vent servers (global not just gameserver ones I think). Please look at the following link. You should be able to find your ventrilo server there.
If you find it, click on your server name, and then click the link called Image and HTML Server Banners - get code
You could then choose the server banner type you want, customize it if needed and then simply copy the Website/Blog Code and paste that like the TS codes you did earlier into it's own widget block.
I'm sure there are probably better Ventrilo monitors than the gametracker banners though. So If I come across one, I will update this thread.
Here is the image for your header if you create one with a title image:
You can also use the normal gametracker banners to show your game servers too using the same method.
See my site:
EDIT: Just found this code generator for Vent like the TS viewer one. Perhaps you could also try that and see which is best for your site:
Thanks for replying

Unfortunately I can't get the widget to show on my home page. I'm pretty sure I did everything correctly but still no luck.
I use InstantVentrilo.com and even if I use their code, which doesn't use the <iframe> tags, (uses <span ID>) I couldn't get it to show up.
I did use this site -->
http://www.ventriloservers.biz/ventr...atus-code.html to generate the code but that too didn't work.
I'll try again this evening and if I get it to work, I'll post it