Originally Posted by dangerin
excuse me .. but i've read the instructions to update ame 3 to this last update.
actually i have 3.0.0 Beta 2a and the last is beta 3b correct? i can update directly this or i must find the others? and after in the instructione i read to import a gogo ame xml but i do not find anc in the files there are three xml files cpnav hook and product ( what i must import? )
sorry but is the second time that i try and other time i've crashed the site afetr update and remove .
I don't fully understand what you're saying.
If you are on beta2a, upload all the files from the upload_into_forum folder in your beta 3b zip into your forum (overwriting all existing files).
Go to your product manager and browse to the includes/xml/product-ame.xml file and import (choosing to overwrite).
This is outlined in the readme.