I've got the basic port to vB4 complete. Styling is a big issue, but I've been at least hitting the bigger issues to make things generally look better. But styling isn't something that I've ever done in vB so the conversion isn't all that easy for me.
I'm sure there are bugs still, but in general, things seem to be working pretty well.
I still haven't heard from BL though. I want to do a little more testing and will need to make sure things export and import again and then I might have a couple of people test it. After that, we'll see if those people consider it worth releasing or not and go from there.
As for fixes, changes, etc... I'm not planning on supporting the port to vB4. I'll do what I can to help out, but realistically, if it's released, it's still not my mod and I really don't have the desire/understanding of the mod to support it either. I'm doing it for myself and hopefully others that need the basic functionality for vB4. I hope that doesn't sound rude, I don't mean it to be. But the fact is, I'm not looking to "own" the mod in any way. =)
All that being said, I'll offer what help I can, when I can. But don't expect anything. =)