Originally Posted by kalliey
I have the same Problems.
Fixed in version 4.1.0
Originally Posted by kalliey
Give it a way to change the name of "Years" "Months" "Weeks" "Hours" "Minutes" and "Seconds" in german Language?
Yes, but be carefull so the FIRST letter to be UNIQUE. Open the file functions.php at microclassifieds/includes/
function time_duration
Change the names on the left,
$periods = array (
'years' => 31556926,
'Months' => 2629743,
'weeks' => 604800,
'days' => 86400,
'hours' => 3600,
'minutes' => 60,
'seconds' => 1
keeping in mind that the first letter must be quique. But you can add "M" and "m" as they count as different.
The same you must do for the function that is just below:
function time_duration_short
This shows the remaining time in short format
Then you need to goto your admincp->microclassifieds options and change the last field Expiration format
Originally Posted by kalliey
Is it possible to insert a Message to the Buyer?
The message is predefinied (at least in this version).
Originally Posted by kalliey
And close the Classified after a buy?
Yes, choose "Mark as Sold" on the right in My Classifieds listing. Actually only when choose this one, then the message to Buyer is going to him.
Originally Posted by kalliey
Where can i insert the €? It shows only the Price like "100"
I fixed it, if you mean the block with Random Classifieds.
Originally Posted by kalliey
By the way: Nice work Mary, thanks a lot. 
Thank you