Originally Posted by Mases
Thanks Griffin, I installed at my forum.
Login Box is working perfectly. Thanks!
Oddly enough, the text boxes are working differently on my website than they are on your forum.
On your forum on IE8 AND Firefox, the background color is Brown and the text color is White. Perfect.
On my forum on IE8 the background color is White and the text color is Black. (Different than yours but it works fine)
On my forum on Firefox now... the background color is Brown and the text color is Black.
It's better than white on white, but it's not perfect. I'm not sure why my forums install looks different than your actual forum.
I can nearly confirm this...
On my site.. (probably my settings.. cant figure out though where to change these)
on IE8
the colors are perfect when i am in none wysiwig mode..
I confirm the dark on white when I switch to wysiwig mode...
(I dont know why !!! in IE8 when i load the page I am not in wysiwig mode (I have to click the little A/A to switch) ...
in FF I start with wysiwig mode... very strange .. has nothing to do with the template.. its the same with default template... maybe there is a setting????
ON firefox, its perfect when i switch to non wysiwig mode... and still black on black in wysiwig mode...
Strange enough on your site it seems to work.. and I am immediately in wysiwig
Also the login is perfect now...
A little new bug though.. (its tiny)
The notifications menu at the top...
When no notification...
And i mouseover the word "notifications" the
little arrow of the menu jumps up... and down again when I leave...
Inside the menu..
i just have "no new messages" and a link to Inbox..
When i mouseover the Inbox.. the word inbox
jumps to the right with the background...
Havent tested with notifications...
The rest is really great!!!!!!!!!!!
PS just tested on your site...
Same there...
Only that on firefox.. when I start.. i get non wysiwyg mode.. (works)
when i switch to wysiwyg mode.. it doesnt...
And with IE.. strange enough.. wysiwyg mode is white on white on your site.. and black on white on mine...
non wysiwig works on both perfectly...