From your code:
$id = intval ($dynamic_line[0]);
$dhtml = intval ($dynamic_line[1]);
$sub = intval ($dynamic_line[2]);
$sort = intval ($dynamic_line[3]);
$url = $dynamic_line[4];
$name = $dynamic_line[5];
$side = intval ($dynamic_line[6]);
$phras = intval ($dynamic_line[7]);
$break = intval ($dynamic_line[8]);
$usergroups = $dynamic_line[9];
$hook = $dynamic_line[10];
Whatever $break is, it's throwing off the index of the array. $usergroups is actually at position 8 according to your documentation:
0 ID: INT this ID must be unique
1 DHTML: INT 0 = normal / 1 = is DHTML
2 Sub: STR (ID) this means when it's a DHTML menue, the ID is the ID of the main link
3 Sort: INT a unique number inside each menu
4 URL: STR the link within
5 Name: STR name of the link
6 Side: INT 0 = left / 1 = right
7 Phrase: INT 0 = Text / 1 = Phrase
8 Usergroup: STR seperate primary Usergroupids by comma (leave blank for all)
9 Hook: STR