Thanks for replying
This change is purely for me, as the mod is perfect as is.
My problem is simply that ( foolishly ) when i first started a arcade site a long time ago, my forum directory name, was "arcade". Obviously, the arcade mod resides in that directory. /arcade/arcade
Since upgrading to vb4, i have moved my forum to the root folder and obviously, the arcade mod now resides in my root/arcade folder
Using a .htaccess rule, i can get all the "old" indexed threads pointing to the new location, but, the arcade then ceases to work. It is for this reason only i need to rename the ibproarcade folder name. i can then have a working arcade AND keep all my indexed files active.
Ive searched through the files, but am lost as to what specifically i need to edit to make the arcade work with a different folder name. I am willing to donate for any help, and as I mention, under normal circumstances, I doubt anyone else will ever have the same need as myself to do this.