Originally Posted by RobbieZ
Ok so I seem to have solved the problem to the edit not working when clicked.
javascript :Att_Ajax('userid=4&postid=26888','vbsta tus/vbstatus_ajax.php')
First of all I used this.
and overwrote and saved.
Then I cleared my cache or private data (depends what browser your using)
This fixed this mod for me.
I have added the updated ajax_wrapper file, to save you some time..copy and paste
open your current ajax wrapper file and delete everything and copy & paste this file in its place
PHP Code:
|#| AJAX Class Wrapper |#|
|#| Created By Zero Tolerance |#|
|#| CVS$v1.0.2$ |#|
|#| (C) Inferno Technologies 2005 - 2006 |#|
|#| All Rights Reserved |#|
// example usage:
AJAX = new _AJAX(true)
AJAX.send('var=hi&var2=hi2', 'POST', 'index.php')
Initiates class wrapper for AJAX
@param _async boolean Determines if asynchronous is on or not
@return null
function _ajax(_async)
this.async = _async
this.handler = null
Initiates xml http header request (handler)
@return boolean Returns true on success
_ajax.prototype.createhandler = function()
this.handler = new XMLHttpRequest
return this.handler.setRequestHeader ? true : false
this.handler = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')
return true
catch (e)
return false
return false
Sets trigger function to execute once request state changes
@param _func Function function to trigger
@return boolean Returns true on success
_ajax.prototype.onreadystatechange = function(_func)
if (this.handler == null)
if (!this.createhandler())
return false
this.handler.onreadystatechange = _func
return true
Automatically encodes URI components
@param _datastream string URI Components
_ajax.prototype.encode_datastream = function(_datastream)
_datastream = _datastream.split('&')
for (key in _datastream)
if (_datastream[key].toString().match(/\=/))
bits = _datastream[key].toString().split('=')
_datastream[key] = bits[0] + '=' + encodeURIComponent(bits[1])
return _datastream.join('&')
Sends the http xml request
@param _datastream string Request data
@param _type string Request type
@param _file string Request file (index.php/index.cgi, etc...)
@return null
_ajax.prototype.send = function(_datastream, _type, _file)
if (!this.handler.readyState && !this.handler.readyState < 4)
_datastream = this.encode_datastream(_datastream)
this.handler.open(_type, _file + '?' + ((_type == 'GET')? _datastream : ''), this.async)