Originally Posted by BBR-APBT
Very Nice I would rather have the Classifieds with out the auctions. Still very nice.
Rated and nominated even though I have no use for it.
Originally Posted by zelnik
Hi Maria,
Great mod and any idea when the Pro version will be available?
Since vbclassifieds looks like it will not be updated for vb4 I believe there is a big market place for a classifieds that isn't expensive like photopost classifieds
Originally Posted by ndahiya
Microhellas, great mod, but again, too heavy for my intended use. i am looking for a basic classifieds addon (no need for auctions, payments etc). the pro version is a good idea, but it would be a bit like using a hammer to kill a fly. wonder if you plan to release a classifieds only lite version. i do not mind making a (financial) contribution if that is the bottleneck...
Maria's old classifieds script will be updated to vb4.0 soon as this is being done now.
As for the members that have said that maria's code is heavy and horrable is out of line as she works hard to give everyone some great add-ons to there sites.
When a coder heres things like this for there hard work puts them down and makes them think twice about making mods for release here.
People here or on any other site should be thinking how much work goes into making these scripts and thanking the coders that make these for you.
Most of the members that put add-ons down dont even know how to code,
they cannot code even in html not alone php or java.
So say thankyou to members that make these scripts for your use as they have put in alot of time to make these for you.