Originally Posted by xTerMn8R
I'm trying to get the pdf For Local to work, but not having much luck...
When I use the default xml for Local (after making the Change in it for my Domain) I get a little blue box that shows the xml Header with the <i><b>Bla bla bla <b><i> tags surrounding it and the header links to the file I'm trying to embed...
The site that the Original xml points to ,( http://pdfmenot.com) Wont resolve for me , I dont know if they shut down or what, SO i Tried adapting it to use Google docs... Here's what I've got for Settings... ( 1 thing I noticed when I compared this expression to the other locals, were in the others there are NO [] around the http://, I've tried it both ways and no difference)
Regular Expression
<iframe src="http://docs.google.com/viewer?url={$url}&embedded=true" style="width:600px; height:500px;" frameborder="0"></iframe>
It does put the Container on the site and hyper links the container header to the File, but gives me an error saying "Sorry we are unable to retrieve the document for Viewing, Please try again later" I've checked permissions on the folder holding the docs and even changed it to 777, still no doc...
Any help would be appreciated...
Happy New Year...
In my opinion, you don't need to put http:// in brackets with a star (which makes it optional), as it's not likely that someone will paste and address from somewhere without them for most sites. That might be different if you're typing the URL in manually, so it's up to you.
I'd have to look at how Google Docs handles the document to know what's wrong. Your RegEx is working if it's converting. It's the embed code that's not working. Make sure the output is what you want, because currently you have the embed code putting the whole URL:
Currently the one I've got just embeds the PDF, which might not be the best solution for large documents.
Originally Posted by MagicThemeParks
DJ, the AllPosters.com code is not pulling the thumbnails it seems. See the attachment for what I'm getting.
Already got a new one that will fix that. I'm almost ready to post my update.