excellent style... very professionnal...
(same little teenie notice prob as i pointed out in darkness style)
I have another little issue.. (ITS NOT a bug...

vbulletin has still the shadows of the album images hardcoded...
You did the same.. (which is the correct approach) thus leaving the shadow at its initial value (whick doesnt look to good in a dark style)
vbulletin is bound to put that shadow in a stylevar...
as the image shadow has (in vbull) the same default value as the forumbit shadow..
I would suggest following:
Either hardcode your shadow color from stylevar forumbits_shadow_color to album.css
original album.css:
HTML Code:
#picturelink img {
background-color:{vb:stylevar lightweightbox_background.backgroundColor};
border:solid 1px {vb:stylevar lightweightbox_border.borderColor};
padding:{vb:stylevar padding};
-moz-box-shadow: -2px 2px 2px #d7cbcc;
-webkit-box-shadow: -2px 2px 2px #d7cbcc;
OR simply just make the shadow values the same by changing to stylevars:
HTML Code:
#picturelink img {
background-color:{vb:stylevar lightweightbox_background.backgroundColor};
border:solid 1px {vb:stylevar lightweightbox_border.borderColor};
padding:{vb:stylevar padding};
-moz-box-shadow: -2px 2px 2px {vb:stylevar forumbits_shadow_color};
-webkit-box-shadow: -2px 2px 2px {vb:stylevar forumbits_shadow_color};
I would opt for second, as vbulletin is bound to put that shadow into stylevars...
And there is no reason why on images they should change their standard colors...