Just a quick note, I have this working for VB4 now. So far it's been about 20 hours just to convert it. Granted some of those hours are just from my learning what I'm doing and how to convert to VB4 and all of that, but it's been... interesting. =)
There are a LOT of style issues as most of the styling didn't carry over. Knowing next to nothing about styling, this could take me a bit to fix. There are a few bugs here and there that I am still cleaning up (I'm sure there's more I don't know about) but I can create new forms, submit them and view them.
I've PM'd Bananalive here on the forums asking his permission to release this, but have yet to hear from him. We'll see how that goes.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know it's working and hopefully we'll have something useful soon.