Hi, nice article, my forums were hacked 2 months ago and I had done none of this.
After I deleted the malicious code that was injected by a hacker into my main forums page, I quickly added a .htaccess and .htpasswd files to my admincp directory on my host. Since then I have had no problems.
After finding your article today, I added a .htaccess and .htpasswd files to the modcp, includes, and install directories.
After checking the file permission through my ftp client I find that all of my php files are set at 705.
One question that has been burning in my mind is, all of my .php files are set to 705.....should I change them all to 644, and if I change them to 644 will this effect any of my members while they are posting and using the forum? I do have a handful of mods installed.
Also, if I change them all to 644, what are the exact files, every single php file in every directory of the VB forums upload?
If I have the four directories admincp, modcp, includes, and install, now with .htaccess and .htpasswd, why should I change the file permissions in those four directories if they are password protected? Is this for extra added security in case the password is hacked?
Thanks again for this article! :up:
Looking forward to your response.....thank you!