Originally Posted by Lynne
You would have to increase the height (by 2, if for 2 rows) and decrease the width (by 2, if for 2 rows) for the ".editor_smiliebox ul.smiliebox" I've never tried that, but it should work.
HTML Code:
.editor_smiliebox ul.smiliebox {
height:{vb:math 2*{vb:math 21+2*2}}px;
margin:0 auto;
width:{vb:math 20+.5*{vb:raw vboptions.smtotal}*{vb:math 20+2*2}}px;
Originally Posted by hIBEES
Thanks, looks way better now, now to figure out how to make the smilies bigger, seems not to show the correct size but that's nothing to do with your add-on 
Could you please give more detail on making more rows please as iv managed to get the smilies to show under without them being cut in half so i can see the full smilie now i just want more rows and iv tried to change numbers by 2 up and 2 down but i just cant get it right i dont understand what numbers to actualy change, just some spercifics would be good please.