Glad you like them. The Tango & Apple Tango Skins need updating, I'll get them done tomorrow.
Originally Posted by MikeLac
Just noticed a small minor detail. In both the Cherry and Apple Tango styles, the Forum descriptions are in white letters for any Forum that breaks down into sub Forums.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean, could you post a screenshot?
Originally Posted by MikeLac
I saw your previous post where you explained how to do it. Where you hover the cursor over the Home page and a pencil appears and you click on it. Not sure exactly what you were referring to. I've looked in several places in the Admin CP. I want my Forum Users to be able to select whatever style they choose and have that style displayed for the Home Page and every other page. I have learned quite a bit about Vbulletin in the brief time that I have owned it. Still lots to learn ...... 
Take a look at the screen shot below.