Originally Posted by mcca
Installed and have this error message
Error file_put_contents(cache/dd2841607e3f8f63b9700a394eb61445.xml) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: Permission Denied
I also cant find my steam ID anywhere. Where would I find it?
The error I'm not too sure about, can you post a link to the board you installed on? As for your ID, you can use two types:
Steam Community ID/Alias
Go to
Steam's community site and search for yourself using the search box on the top right. Click on your name and have a look at the URL. It should be something like "http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197965018417" or "http://steamcommunity.com/id/robinwalker". Whatever comes after the last slash is your community ID. For the examples above, it would be "76561197965018417" or "robinwalker".
Steam ID
This is your in-game Steam ID used by mostly Valve games. It's a little more complicated to find, but you can try using
this website.