Originally Posted by ajhalls
I was wondering if AME has any products it works with that will allow it to stream locally hosted video rather than things like youtube? I was using JW Mediaplayer and flowplayer but am open to any suggestions on how to stream these videos in VB.
AME2x did and I am sure 3x will - however its still new and still in beta so give it some time
Originally Posted by Drago13
By far this mod is the best.... just wish i could get it to work with Vb4.0...
not to sound like a noob, in your directions you say
what do I edit?.. do I delete ?? Thanks again, this was my fave plug-in pre 4.0...
After editing the hooks_vbcms.xml file, go to your plugin manager, edit the hook mentioned and click save. You don't need to change anyting except removing the line mentioned in the hooks_vbcmls.xml file. (the readme goes into a more detailed step by step, so you may want to check that out

Hope that helps!