Originally Posted by fayax
I changed the file size in attachment manager...
But in LDM is still tells me that the file size allowed is 8M.
I have refreshed everything.
See pics attached. Can you show me how to fix it?
You are probably hitting the limits imposed by your server's php.ini settings. Take a look at any of the ldm admin pages (left column down towards the bottom) or the vb admin main page, which includes a summary of main server settings. The values of the php settings post_max_size and upload_max_filesize place absolute limits on the maximum upload, and in your case one or both is probably set to 8M. Unless you fully control your server, these are not settings you can override - you need to ask your server admin. post_max_size needs to be bigger than upload_max_filesize to avoid strange errors within php.
A second point, in case you are concerned - your thumbnails show that all filetypes can be up to 8M - this only applies to admins. Other users will be limited by the individual filesizes given on the vb admin/attachments page, provided they are less than the php.ini controls.