Hellow Friends ,, i come with a new question..
all of uss we now the existence users can:
" will allow your existing members to associate an existing forum account with one of the services - such as Facebook."
ok , my cuestion is , How to Des-Associate an existing member with a Facebook Acount Asociated to his nik name??
For example,
Imagine, one user not have thes Facebook Acount anymore.. and wana to change it for another new Facebook Acount he have...
Here we have the problem..
Wath ,i do , is just vinculate the new facebook acount the the Same Nik name (the one have before the other FAcount Vinculatet)
Ok , Doing thisi , it works , and i,m looged in the forum wiht the new Facebook Acount, can post, and do all of the tinks..
, But the Tools in My Control Panel, the options From Facebook , does not apear, (with the second Facebook Acount i vincule to the same Nik name)
if , i login with the old ,Facebook , one , i have the Facebook Options , normaly in my nikname Forum Control Panel.. options Like, post in Facebook , post new entryes From the Forum in facebook,, etc..
Any Idea how to Des-associate / No Asociate an Existing User From a Facebook Acount??
Regards From Spain.. thanks soo much for advanced, an have a goos hollidays