Hey all,
With the new template system it's getting me confused. I want to grab a few fields from the database, assign them in a defined format on a string, and then register that string to be displayed in a sidebar. (Using SS' sidebar mod) I've got it mostly figured out, but it doesn't seem to be displaying. What do I need to do?
Here's my code;
PHP Code:
// 1.0
$templater = vB_Template::create('rp_fh');
$rp_fh_grab_sql = $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT threadid,title,replycount,dateline FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "thread ORDER BY threadid DESC LIMIT 10");
while($rp_fh_row = $vbulletin->db->fetch_array($rp_fh_grab_sql)) {
$rp_fh_threadid = $rp_fh_row['threadid'];
$rp_fh_title = $rp_fh_row['title'];
$rp_fh_replycount = strval($rp_fh_row['replycount']);
$rp_fh_dateline = date($vbulletin->options['dateformat'] . ' ' . $vbulletin->options['timeformat'], $rp_fh_row['dateline']);
$rp_fh_printout_string = $rp_fh_printout_string . '<a href="showthread.php?t=' . $rp_fh_threadid . '">' . $rp_fh_title . '</a><br />' . $rp_fh_replycount . ' posts / ' . $rp_fh_dateline . PHP_EOL;
$templater->register('rp_fh_contents', $rp_fh_printout_string);
vB_Template::preRegister('ss_rightcolumn_contents', array('rp_fh_contents' => $rp_fh_printout_string));
But when I try to use {vb:raw rp_fh_contents} in the column template nothing shows up. Any suggestions?