Don't upgrade your live site without any precautions! (This is only when upgrading from v5 and not for clean installs or v6 updates.)

First test the upgrade on a
test site, or at least make a
database backup before you upgrade your live site. I'm not going to fix your site if it goes wrong

A list of known bugs and feature suggestions:
- Member.php url's don't support vB4's friendly url's yet (fixed for 6.0.2) - needs more work
- No integration with vB4's new integrated search or asset manager
- Tidy up the template XHTML/CSS. I coded it in a rush.
- Create some widgets for the new CMS and some forum blocks.
- Better report feature (with threads, mails and pm's)
- You can't use HTML any more in the category descriptions.
- Add some more (template) hooks (basics) (fixed for 6.0.2) - needs more work
- Some strange occasions make the thumbs not to work (mostly long file names and spaces in it?)
- Add an RSS feed (needs vB 4.0.3 for extra options) (not added in vB 4.0.3 yet, 4.0.4 maybe?)
- Add a minimum amount of letters for searching
- Add a setting to specify the maximum amount of search results (until there's search pagination)
- Add social bookmark icons (should be easy, look at the blog code)
- Search dropdown has IE issues
- Implement some usability suggestions for the import feature
- You get a security token error when logging in after trying to download as guest (security token "guest")