Ok I can get ads to show up but any way to fix the footer link?
I'm using 3.8.4 and the footer link would be nice if it would just move down a line (I've tried <br /> didn't work)
EDIT: Seems I had to remove my own copyright text which isn't right and insert it manually. I'm gonna dig for his phrase and fix it myself I guess.
Alright here's a fix:
Go to Plugin & Products System -> Plugin Manager -> Edit vB_Ad_management_global_ads (global_start for hook)
$vbulletin->options['copyrighttext'] .= 'Ad Management plugin by <a href="http://redtyger.co.uk/" target="_blank">RedTyger</a>';
Replace with this:
$vbulletin->options['copyrighttext'] .= '<br />Ad Management plugin by <a href="http://redtyger.co.uk/" target="_blank">RedTyger</a>';
Volia! Much better looking IMO
Also for those who can't get it to work on 3.8, that's because you have to put the same thing within each ad spot like for instance...
I have this inserted in my header template:
So I put this into the ad management settings for header (the box for header inclusion).
Volia it turns on!
Hope this helps.