When I Access an Account with Facebook Connect, it Connects but when I End the Session the Facebook Account is Still Oppened, is I write on the Browser it Displays the Oppened Account, (very Dangerous if an User Access his/her Account on a Public Computer and isn't Aware that his/her Facebook Account will Remain Oppened even if he/she Ends the Forum Session); is an Open Window for
Facebook Security and Privacy Problems.
(This Happens on Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla FireFox, so is a Problem with the Mod and Not the Browser).
Can this be Corrected?
I also noticed that when I access the Account with Facebook Connect, I Close the Session, and Click the Facebook Connect Button, it Immediately Access the Account without Displaying the Facebook Login Window; this is Related with the Bug I mentioned before.
I Appreciate Your Answer, I'll Subscribe to this Mod's Thread to Receive a Solution to this
Facebook Security Problem.
(I'm Using Version
2.0.5 of this Mod for
My Best Regars.