I noticed this problem in an ealier thread
Originally posted by webhost
All works but the box does not show up to place notes in, a box comes up that has the following information in it
"Your notes:
Last updated: 10-08-2001 06:15 AM
You are allowed to have 10 notes, each can contain 250 characters
IMG code is , vB code is , smilies are , HTML is "
and says update my pad at bottom. When you click on update pad it gives you this error and then automaically goes back to the user profile.
warning varaiable passed to each () is not a array or an object at home/blab/blab/blab
on line 536
line 536 is this
PHP Code:
while (list($key,$val)=each($notes)) {
I have ran queries and they look correct in database, also went into control panel set all vb pad options to yes and saved, and also updated all counters/
Any Ideas?
As it happens I have encountered this problems also and was wondering if anyone could shed any light on the problem.