Followed directions, but it won't show?
This is what I did?
-Step 1
--Upload the contents of the upload folder to the root directory of your forum.
-Step 2
--Import product-gcbos in your acp (admin control pannel).
-Step 3
--Populate the user group permissions in the acp under Usergroups->Usergroup Manager->{your_group}->GCBOS
-Step 4
--Open the acp once again for GCBOS to display you need to add two template hooks first open headinclude and scroll to the bottom.
--Add "{vb:raw template_hook.headinclude}" (without the quotes to the end of the template save the template. Next open FORUMHOME
--and search for "<!-- /main -->" (without the quotes and add "{vb:raw template_hook.gcbos_display}" above (without the quotes)
--gcbos can be displayed on any page with this hook in ("{vb:raw template_hook.gcbos_display}").