Different Graphic Request [ONLY VERY Experts Please]
I hope that anyboby can help me in this my Off Topic Graphic Request.
I 'm the own of a coffee bar, unfortunately last week I suffered the theft of about 20,000 euros by unknown.
The surveillance video cameras (low quality cameras' i hope that i'll can change in the next months) have also picked up the robbers in the face, but unfortunately the frames are not very clean, requires an experienced hand who knows how to clean the image to bring up the frame of the video, much clearer then can the identity thieves.
If there is any expert who would help me, I can send the video of the robbery (in PVT).
I have saved the robber face's frame in jpeg format, but the quality is very bad and if i try to enlarge the image will showed biggest arctifacts hiding the robber face.
If some graphis expert want to help me to enlarge the photo without quality lose for to see the robber face, please contact me in pvt .
Thanks in advance