A great day to you, and thanks for visiting my thread!
I am eagerly looking for an answer to this very question: "
Is it possible to have one account creation, linked to multiple boards?"
This would include, but is not limited to:
- When e-mail address is changed, it will be applied globally
- When password is changed, it will be applied globally
- Profile data like signature & usertitle etc. would be seperated for each board.
For what am I trying to achieve this matter in question?
Well, I am wanting to setup a great network of multiple 'project' (=site), and it's important to have a seperate board for each 'project'.
I greatly appreciate any given comment, and ofcourse, I appreciate the time you have taken to read my thread.
Cheers and a Merry Christmas to you!
ps. you might want to check out my other topic related to this project:
vB4: Integration of Board into main Website.