Originally Posted by Gersfan
Such a wonderful hack, and there is such a big demand for it.
Mines works, but I have a general question, in the vbookie.php where you can find the open / closed posted bets etc, well I've got a number of open bets which threads were physically deleted. (Thread | Info).. When I click thread it just says 'No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator' I know the thread is gone and there is no delete option but would it be possible for me to get these removed from the vbookie.php and how can I do this?
Know what else would be awesome, some sort of hack which works alongside vbookie and posts updates / latest events etc on the forumhome index.
You can run the SQL queries in AdminCP in the Maintenance menu.
For a complete vBookie reset run these SQL queries:
Reset everyone's vCash:
UPDATE user SET vbookie_cash=X;
where X= vCash (eg 500)
To totally clear all past events:
DELETE FROM vbookie_news;
DELETE FROM vbookie_bets_placed;
DELETE FROM vbookie_item_options;
DELETE FROM vbookie_items;
DELETE FROM vbookie_groups;
Some other useful vBookies queries people might find useful:
To remove a specific event:
DELETE FROM vbookie_items WHERE item_id = 'X';
replace X with the item id which you can get by mousing over the info link in the affected vbookie event.
To remove a news event:
DELETE FROM vbookie_news WHERE news_id = X';
To Abandon/Mitigate a wrongly settled event:
UPDATE vbookie_items SET item_status='CLOSED' WHERE item_id= 'X';
This will change it from Settled to Closed. Then click the Abandon Event link in the thread. This only returns the original stakes. vCash won as a result of the incorrect settlement is not taken away and changing the winner in the thread has no effect.