Hack FAQ:
1- Can it be used for non-english boards?
The hack is coded and tested with boards with English language and it should work with many boards whose language is similiar to English (ie using letters from English alphabet) like German, French, Spanish, Turkish etc.
However if the language (especially language syntax and structure) is dramatically different (eg. Russian, Chineese, Japanese, Arabic etc.), I can't be sure if it works fine with your threads. Testing wouldn't hurt though so you can't just give it a try. Also
see this post from 3.5.x version for a fix about Russian language)
2- Does it work with very long threads?
It should be. In this version, I tested with a thread with 1500 posts which produced a 500 Kb. text output and it went fine.
Hack users
previously reported it worked fine even with threads with 40.000 posts in it.
3- How can I allow only certain usergroups to use the hack?
By default hack inherits your forum permissions. So a user will be able to download the thread only if his usergroup allows him to view the thread. This should be fine for most boards but if you still want to restrict the hack for certain usergroups, edit dt.php file, find line:
PHP Code:
//$unallowed_downloaders = array(1);
and replace it as
PHP Code:
$unallowed_downloaders = array(1);
Change 1 with usergroupid which can't access the script. Eg.
$unallowed_downloaders = array(1); means guests can't download threads.
$unallowed_downloaders = array(1, 2); means guests AND registered users can NOT download threads.