Impex is out of the plan - I just thought it may be a way to just transfer the data - that is all.
My plan now using Live, Test1 and Test2 sites is:
- Install v4 clean on Test1
- Install vb4 clean on Test2
- Develop vb4 on Test1 adding the mods, changing templates, changing styles etc
- As each one is tested and working ok add it to Test2 (gives me a clean install with the final results of testing on Test1)
- Create a folder structure on PC so the files of any new mods etc can be added to a default folder structure which will make it quicker to upload when going live
- Once finished delete everything in Test1 and copy everything on Test2 to Test1
- Invite staff and power users to test the site in Test1
- Make any changes to Test1 and test again - if ok make the same changes to Test2
- When everything ok delete Test1 again and copy Live to Test1
- Export from Test2 Styles and Products
- Disable addons in config file on Test1 and perform upgrade
- Import Styles and Products
- Upgrade existing addons
- Upload files from PC folder structure for new addons
- Get staff and power users to test Test1
- Loop from #8 until good to go (updating Test2 when necessary)
- Backup Live files and db
- Perform quick #8 to #15 on Live
- Delete Test1
- Delete Test2 after Live is all running smoothly
I think this is the way to go however I am not sure about the existing addons like vbDynanics, vbAdvanced, vbTube, existing mods etc that I have got their updating sequence right in the above.
Thanks for your help