Hey guys. I have a seperate database program with 750+ seperate articles, each one on its own page. It's not static text, as I often need to modify the database to change content of many of these articles. These article pages have URL's ending in .shtml rather than PHP. What I would like to do is this:
- Strip the header\footer from template of my articles.
- Have these 750+ pages integrated into vBulletin's header/footer.
The reason I mention the qty of articles is that it would be great if there were a way to create one template and then, based on the url, pull a different article out of my seperate database. Such as:
The above example url would pull a file named article1.shtml and put its content in a VB page.
I hope this makes sense. I have read through the forums here for help and have tried various methods to make this work, but nothing yet has seem to be what I need.
Please help! Thank you.