Yeah - Too many forums for such a new board. Or as it is ==> too many forums shown in the main forum index page. You might consider condenscing your forums into subforums perhaps?
Also - the skin is a bland, premade thing. The board has no character. For me - just looking at the forum briefly - I'd think it was a generic Christmas board. The logo should be your site name - perhaps you should also have a tagline which describes your forum as well. You should think about customizing the style. It's not too hard to do with premade skins.
You could commission a custom logo with matching forum icons. Something that tells the surfer what the site is about. The welcome should also include a brief description of your forum and almost offer some sort of teaser as to why a user should even register.
Like fattony69 said ==> choose a niche, not all of them. LOL- That's a good piece of advise, as what I see is a hodgepodge of forums with no clue in sight as to what the main topic of discourse should be... An "all-topics forum" is pretty generic and definitely a difficult niche to succeed in. There's 1000s of them - if you want your forum to stand out amongst the crowd - you got a lot of work to do yet.
Anyway - good luck with it. Also - what on earth is "delifed" mean anyway? I'm not sure I (or anyone else) has even heard of that term before.