who said it was because of the staff here?... the only reason why i do not update to 4.0 is that because i have no free time to do so. this release is free, so i can't get profits from the work i put on, and as so, if i upgrade it to 4.0 i would have to support two versions, too much time when i can't dedicate my work on it. if someone is willing to update it to 4.0, like "entertain" with a free release of that version, i have no problem with that... though i would not permit to see a paid version of it, as it's against the license, and it's against the goal of this release... any paid coder can do a custom version of it in private though.
also, as a note, i have 4 kids to feed, so i have other jobs to perform to make it so... free time to support free releases is scattered.