First of all thank you for this nice Adon
But it seems that i have a Problem with the wordfinder.php when i use the Guthaben-Hack
I have vb 3.7.4 and MySQL-Version : 5.0.32 running and when i create and when i want to play a Game i get a Error
PHP Code:
Datenbankfehler in vBulletin 3.7.4:
Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO kontoauszug
(`userid`, `datum`, `info`, `betrag`, `art`)
(1,1261422887,Bezahlung f?r ein Wortfinder-Spiel',50,'minus');
MySQL-Fehler : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'f?r ein Wortfinder-Spiel',50,'minus')' at line 4
When i disable the use of Guthaben-Hack in Settings, then i can play and create Games...
Maybe there is a little Mistake somewhere here ???
PHP Code:
$db->query ("
INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "kontoauszug
(`userid`, `datum`, `info`, `betrag`, `art`)
(" . $userid . "," . TIMENOW . "," . $db->escape_string ($credittext) . "'," . intval ($money) . ",'" . $w . "')
$db->query ("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user SET `guthaben`=`guthaben`" . $addsub . " WHERE `userid`=" . $userid);
Any Idea what causes the Problem ?
I found the Fault. It was the Code inside the wordfinder_functions.php like i descriped above. So it could not work with Credits. I fixed it and now everything is working fine. SO no need to take Action, coroner
Many Thx for this great Addon !