Originally Posted by glaive
Attached is an update to this product. I contacted the original author and received no response so I went ahead and made it do what I wanted, which happens to be what many of you want.
Added Twitter and YouTube
Updated field types in database to varchar(25)
Changed code to test for each existing table and either make it if it did not exist or alter it to the new type.
Fixed the broken links for MySpace and Facebook in post bits.
Added links to profile.
Changed wording on profile input fields.
Changed image type for icons to PNGs
Things you will need to do:
I provided you some free for use icons, I did not make them I just found them.
Put them in /images/misc with an ftp client.
You should be able to install this as an upgrade over the previous version so look as you allow it to over write. As I said before I did this for me, well honestly one of my members but hey if it helps you out too then cool beans.
Thank you works perfect on 3.8.4 PL1