Nice howto, but I've got some comments:
I was just restoring a DB backup, which he hacked several times. I found this is the lazy way out
Not it's in fact totaly no way out at all, not even a lazy one. It just plain and stupid giving the same possibility's back to the hacker. As you experienced.
You can do a lot of chmodding, but these things should be already automatically fine when installing and later upgrading vBulletin.
However, always take care with 777 directory's and files which are always a risk.
Then I CHMOD the AdminCP Dir (renamed) to 0755, which gives you access to your acp. So you have access to the site, the hacker doesnt.
That's a common mistake made by many people. If you make something 755 its not writable to the world, but it is still readable to the world. So also the hacker can read. That's why the first thing to do is to put up a .htaccess file in there.
This is a b*tch to do, and gives you a headache and takes a long time.
That depends on the knowledge of the person who is doing this. You can chmod recursive, also with an ftp program, and this can save you lots of time.
Als don't just start chmodding everything, have a look first if maybe most things not already -are- oke. A hacker can also gain access via mods which are not safe. Thats where comes in, which sends security messages if it gets know a mod is not secure. Not a lot of mod sites are doing such nice things, so take care from where you download and install mods/hacks.
Most important thing to do is to get to know how the hacker gain access.
For the rest it's a very nice manual for people who take security very serious.