Originally Posted by taffy056
well he plainly says what is hack does use mibbit and a future release will support PJIRC, I am not pretending to know all there is to know about IRC and so on, but to give the guy a thumbs down because of a problem you have, is a bit unfair, you are a coder, why don't you build your own that will support what you want?
Because I manage a game that my developers code that is over 350,000 lines of C++ dealing with anywhere between 10 and 50 bugs a day, and my PHP/MySQL devs are dealing with our 2GB database filled with custom data and building a custom site from scratch.
My opinion is two thumbs down because it does not fit my needs. You can't change my opinion. Yes, it's a beta release and most likely will change when it's fully released. Asking for 100% working mods like vB3 have is insane when vB4 isn't released yet.