Originally Posted by Brian30fl
Well i hate to burst your bubble jet. It is pretty sad you are trying to copyright something that isnt even yours to begin with. I am sorry to say but credits go to jelsoft. as you took there default design changed a few gradients, a few post icons, block and sub block gradients, then changed the navbar colors, header and such maybe 8-10 colors in total on a vbulletin default theme and try to call it your own and sell updates and remove copyright with v.i.p access. lol that a epic fail my friend. Maybe you should go back to vb design 101 and relearn vb design.
try looking at vbstyles,vbskinworks, and so forth before you try to take someone else design and copyright it.. If people want your socalled design so bad i could right a quick guide on how to take your images add show them where to change certain things with jelsofts default theme. In-fact i just might do that.
Good day sir.
Its not Jelsoft......
I don't sell updates.
And V.I.P isn't isn't just that.
And please learn to spell.