I have added a Currently Active Users widget ? to my CMS and it shows up fine but does anyone know how to make it update and refresh ?
Look at the photo below .
And does anyone know how to do this with PHP ? rather than static HTML
This is the code i used .
<!-- logged-in users -->
<div id="wgo_onlineusers" class="wgo_subblock">
<h3><img src="images/misc/users_online.png" alt="Currently Active Users" />Currently Active Users</h3>
<p>There are currently <a href="online.php">8 users online</a>. <span class="shade">4 members and 4 guests</span></p>
<p>Most users ever online was 37, 11-29-2009 at <span class="time">02:54 PM</span>.</p>
<ol class="commalist" id="wgo_onlineusers_list">
<b> <font color="red">• Administrators</font> <font color="666600">• Super Moderators</font> • Moderators • Registered Users </b><br /><br /> <li> <a class="username" href="member.php?1-The-Voice-of-champions"> <font color="red">The Voice of champions</font></a></li> <li> <a class="username" href="member.php?49-BIG-SOOTY">BIG SOOTY</a></li> <li> <a class="username" href="member.php?23-Mark-Ryan">Mark Ryan</a>+</li> <li> <a class="username" href="member.php?19-tak1888"><font color="666600">tak1888</font></a>+</li>
<!-- end logged-in users -->